
From multiplicity to unity: from earth to heaven

September 28th 2013
What do we feel when we are in front of a fire? There is something about the movement of the flames that urges us to detach ourselves from the earth, to leave the world of multiplicity and return to unity. Whatever things hold us down, there comes a time when we have to leave the world of multiplicity and make our way upward. That is how we restore oneness to our being. After being dispersed, we must always come back to our centre and rise. The flames rise into the sky, and the ash stays on the ground. Anyone watching a fire will feel something mysterious, but do they understand what it is teaching? There are many who would like the ashes to rise up into the sky too! What I mean by this is that more often than not people attempt to elevate heavy, earthly values; they allow them to rule their life, thus going against the natural process. Well, no, if we are to rise like fire, we must leave behind our material, selfish interests and place our entire will and all our faculties in the service of the divine principle within.