Negative states
The words that allow us to overcome them
November 18th 2013
Brotherly feeling develops when you understand that you must not subject others to your negative states, particularly since they may not even be able to do anything for you. So what is the point of burdening them? Instead of wasting your time complaining and recriminating, choose from among all the exercises our teaching places at your disposal those that will help you overcome your sadness, disappointments or anxieties.
You may feel you are losing your joy, love, peace, hope, faith… Here is another method to regain them. Write the words on a sheet of paper, take the paper in one hand, raise your other hand to the sky, and try to pick up the currents carrying these blessings. When you sense you have one, concentrate hard, and then place your hand on your solar plexus to allow the current to fill you.