Truths, initiatic

Talismans charged with magical powers

December 11th 2013
I am a kind of jeweller, and when I give you a diamond, a precious pearl, I tell you, ‘That’s worth thousands.’ Do you think that’s vanity? I don’t care. What would you think if a jeweller handed out gems but out of modesty said they were just pieces of glass or stones? As I am a good jeweller and I know the value of what I am giving you, I tell you ‘These truths are beyond price’. So try to understand the importance of all the truths you receive here, for they are worth more than gems. They are talismans charged with magical powers. Thanks to them you will be able to obtain all you aspire to. Why don’t you make use of them? Also, take seriously all the methods and exercises I show you: the blessings you receive from them will follow you for all eternity.