Good path, the

Keeping to it, even if you have to stumble

December 20th 2013
Before you decide to serve an ideal you are free, but once you have made that decision you no longer are: you have set something in motion, and you are duty-bound to remain faithful to your commitment. Knowing that, some will think it is better not to commit themselves, so that they can keep their independence. That is their right. But they should know that independence as they understand it will bring them only disappointments and trials. And that’s when they will really feel bound hand and foot. Others will say the idea of serving an ideal fills them with enthusiasm, but they know they are weak and are afraid they will stumble on the way. My answer to that is that falling is not that serious. They will get up again and find out why they fell, and then, wiser for the experience, they will know better how to overcome their weaknesses another time. As long as you remain on the right path, even if you stumble you will always reach your goal. Imagine you have to cross a tangled forest to meet with friends: you are bound to stumble from time to time, but if you have a compass to stay on course you will eventually arrive at your destination. And it is better to stumble and reach your goal than not to undertake anything for fear of the effort involved.