
Disinterestedness is the criterion for how authentic it is

January 15th 2014
Each time someone inspires friendship or love in you, you should ask yourself about the nature of this feeling. Love obviously comes in different forms, but there is at least one question you can ask yourself: is this love self-serving or disinterested? Disinterested love expects nothing from others, it is not anxious, it does not cling to them, and it does not disturb them. It is a gushing spring, constantly giving without bothering to know who will come to take its water; it takes pleasure in sharing it without counting. Self-serving love, on the other hand, has a violent effect on others, for it is really only seeking to take, and at the slightest disappointment it expresses itself through impatience, anger, resentment. Disinterested love also avoids doubts, distrust and arguments and establishes joy, beauty and hope. It is a new life opening up and constantly making others freer, stronger and happier. So now ask yourself what your love is like.