The effect of our inner states on the food we eat
May 24th 2014
It is important, of course, to choose healthy food and eat balanced meals, but even more important is our inner state when we are eating. When we do not take certain precautions, we can poison ourselves with even the best food. If you eat when you are feeling upset or angry or in any kind of negative state, your food absorbs poisons produced by these states, and these poisons then spread throughout your body. The opposite is also true: food absorbs the positive thoughts and feelings you may have while you are eating it, and then it nourishes you with its quintessence.
It is normal to be momentarily disturbed and annoyed by certain events, but when this happens, even if it is mealtime, wait for a while until your peace returns before you eat. If it is not possible for you to wait, if what you are doing means you have to eat right away, at least make the effort to concentrate on imbuing the food with your respect and gratitude. As the food enters you, it becomes the support for these feelings, which then change your negative states.