
Before being truthful, consult wisdom and love

May 30th 2011
So many people boast that they tell the truth, when often they would do better to keep quiet! For example, a man may confide in his friend that he has concerns about his own wife’s attitude – is she being unfaithful? And the friend, knowing what is going on, thinks it is his duty to tell the truth and confirms that his wife is deceiving him. As a result, the husband, who is insanely jealous, catches his wife with her lover and kills them with one shot from a revolver and then blows his own brains out in despair. You may consider this a rather simplistic way of presenting things, but it isn’t really. Look how much harm humans do under the pretext of telling the truth! Truth is an excellent thing, provided you first consult wisdom, so that you know how, when and to whom to tell it. Otherwise, there is nothing more disastrous than truth, when wisdom is not present to give the correct dosage and directions; love, too, of course. For, all three – love, wisdom and truth – are connected and must always work together.