
Attracting it to oneself to project it into the world

May 12th 2015
Make a habit of concentrating on light. Think that you are attracting it, introducing it into yourself, so that it fills your whole being with particles of the greatest purity. And when you feel that this light has become a part of you, make a practice of sending it out into space to help all your brothers and sisters on earth. So many people, using the excuse that they have no gifts or remarkable qualities, think they are justified in letting themselves go and leading a mediocre life! No, no one is justified in behaving that way. Even the most destitute and deprived person can do this work with light and so achieve something more important than anything that can be achieved in a great number of areas by others who are gifted and able. Even the most destitute of people has the potential to acquire this higher state of consciousness, with which they can attract light to themselves and project it onto all the created beings in the world.