‘my father is still working, and i also am working’, said jesus; this work must also be our work

May 28th 2015
When Jesus said, ‘My Father is still working, and I also am working’, what did he want us to understand by this? Quite simply that we too must set to work. But instead of that, humans leave Jesus to work with his Father, while they themselves are busy dealing with their personal affairs, interests and distractions. You will say, ‘But Jesus is so far away from us! He is the Son of God; he is perfect, whereas we…! It is pride to imagine that we can do the same work as he does.’ All right, think what you like, but know that Jesus himself thought differently. The fact that he also said, ‘Be perfect as your heavenly Father is perfect’ as well as ‘The one who believes in me will also do the works that I do and, in fact, will do greater works than these’ means that he knew that human beings are capable of great things. But Christians are lazy. They may claim that it is humility that prevents them from engaging in the only really worthwhile activity there is – placing themselves at God’s service to participate in his work – but it is not really humility; it’s laziness!