‘thank you’

Words that neutralize poisons

August 7th 2015
While events are happening, we cannot know whether, in time, they will turn out to be fortunate or unfortunate for us. So many situations that people had thought fortunate have, in the end, been the cause of their undoing, while trials have proved, in the long term, to be very beneficial! So we cannot judge happiness or misfortune at the time; we have to wait before we can decide. So, when you are faced with a situation, pleasant or painful, make a habit of telling yourself that happiness could be waiting at the end of the road. Don’t waste your time complaining or rebelling; thank heaven instead. In saying ‘thank you’, you free energies within that will help you to face things. Yes, that is the power of saying ‘thank you’: it tackles the obstacle as it arises, and when sadness, anger and discouragement are beginning to distil their poisons in you, it neutralizes them.