
Everyone expresses an opinion about it according to the level they have reached

July 1st 2011
The way people see life largely reflects what they themselves are. If they think it is beautiful, it is because they carry beauty within them; if they think it has no meaning, it is because they are ignorant and limited in their understanding. Life expresses itself in such different ways with each person! But the truth is that for most people it remains an unknown. How often do you hear, ‘Well, my friend, what can you expect? That’s life!’ If someone is ill, unhappy, ruined, deceived by their husband or wife, they will say, ‘That’s life!’ When anything is negative, people say, ‘That’s life’. But what life are they talking about? Not all lives are the same. There is the life of the toad, of the wild boar, of the crocodile, or the life of the dove, the life of the angel, the life of God… Anyone expressing an opinion about life can only do it from their own level. Who can claim to know life in all its breadth, its greatness, its vastness?