Esoteric science

Under what conditions can it be a useful interest?

January 22nd 2016
Many people are interested in esoteric science without being ready for it! They quote things they have taken here and there, from books they’ve barely understood, and they are proud to pass as astrologers, alchemists, magi and cabbalists… But the poor things don’t realize their life and whole being are just a shambles, bearing no relation to true astrology, alchemy, magic or Cabbalah. It would be better if they left all these sciences alone! It should be our everyday life that shows what we know. By reading books, of course we can always gain some knowledge and even become very learned. But this is not true knowledge. True knowledge lies in the mastery of oneself, in freeing oneself from weaknesses, in no longer being constantly prey to inner doubts. Those who possess true knowledge seek to be a light-filled, friendly presence wherever they go. And only when they achieve this will they really be able to benefit from studying esoteric science.