Bad habits

Patterns that can be neutralized

March 5th 2016
You want to correct a bad habit? You first need to know that a bad habit is a pattern imprinted on your subtle bodies. Once imprinted, it replicates itself perpetually. Even if we regret our mistake later, it doesn’t help much: we repeat it… and then regret it again! It is an endless chain of errors and remorse. For the remorse has also imprinted its pattern; this is why it comes back each time after the error but does not help correct it. What should be done then? Overlay the first pattern, that is, replace the bad habits by gradually and consciously making an effort to encourage better thoughts and better feelings and above all, to behave in a better way. These changes are like so many new recordings, new patterns, which will succeed in neutralizing the old ones. They will not erase them, for in nature nothing is erased, but they will be superimposed on them and will influence future behaviour.