Puts us in contact with universal life; an exercise
July 13th 2011
Just as eating puts us in contact with universal life, so does breathing. But for this relationship to be whole and rich, we must be conscious of it and do some mental work to accompany it.
Here is an exercise: as you breathe out, imagine yourself extending out to the limits of the universe. Then, as you breathe in, feel you are coming back into yourself, to your ego, which is like an imperceptible dot, the centre of an infinite circle. And again you expand, and again you come back to the centre... In this way you discover the movement of ebb and flow that is the key to all rhythms in the universe. By trying to become aware of this ebb and flow within you, you enter the cosmic harmony, and there is an exchange between the universe and you: as you breathe in, you receive elements from space, and as you breathe out you send out something from your heart and soul in return. Anyone who can attune to the breathing of the cosmos enters divine consciousness.