
Focus them on acquiring things of the spirit

July 14th 2011
For humans, not to be content with what they possess is a great factor in their evolution, as in order to keep on acquiring new things they have to make use of various faculties, such as, curiosity, intelligence, tenacity and an appetite for work. It has to be said that the greatest advances have originated from the exercise of such faculties. But it is not enough to focus these faculties on material acquisitions, for it does not really help us solve the psychological and moral problems we encounter in everyday life. Both inside and outside of us, we are continually exposed to attacks from hostile forces. So, how do we avoid falling apart? By taking refuge within, in a world where these forces have no hold over us. There is no place in the world, no position, no fame that can protect us all the while a part of us remains attached too low in matter. So we must apply our curiosity, our intelligence, our tenacity and our appetite for work to the spiritual world as well.