
An energy that must be directed towards the good of all

November 29th 2016
Love is an energy. And so, whenever you feel attracted towards someone, ask yourself in what direction you are projecting this energy and what kind of construction and realization, or turmoil and destruction it will bring about. Is it not volcanic eruptions that rain down on people’s heads and bury whole cities? If you merely wish to experience pleasure, there are lower entities who pick up on the energies you then project and feed on them at your expense; when they have built up strength, they proceed to wreak havoc. Even if such images seem to you exaggerated, take what I am telling you seriously. You cannot just do as you like with sexual energy, for it is an amazingly alive and powerful divine energy. It comes down from heaven and should return to heaven. Those who are able to become conscious of this, ask the spiritual entities to help direct this energy within them and use it for the good of humankind.