From caterpillar to butterfly

The process of evolution

May 15th 2017
The metamorphosis of a caterpillar into a butterfly is a process that has its equivalent in our psychic life. For a period of their existence (and this period could last for centuries), a human being is like a caterpillar who needs to eat leaves. That is to say, they satisfy their appetites at the expense of others whom they contaminate and shred. But one day they become ashamed of their behaviour and decide to improve themselves. Then they start to go within and they pray, they meditate, and create a cocoon to protect their inner work. Until one day a butterfly emerges from this cocoon and flies through the air. You will ask, ‘What is this cocoon we have to prepare?’ It is the aura. A disciple who understands the power of the aura and who works on it no longer ‘eats’ people, just as the butterfly no longer eats leaves, but flies lightly from flower to flower and feeds on their nectar. The difference between an ordinary man and an initiate can be summarised in a few words: how you feed yourself.