
Don’t give in to it

August 30th 2017
Someone who feels betrayed by a person in whom they had put their faith tends to react negatively. Because they suffer the unfaithful, dishonest behaviour of others, they consider them as an enemy and seek a means for revenge. But they don’t know that reacting in this way will do even more harm. Imagine you did not know you should have confidence in someone who deserved it: this is an error of judgement and yes, you will suffer some consequences. But if you adopt a hostile attitude, the damage you suffer will be much more serious. For not only do negative sentiments and the desire for revenge disturb your inner harmony, but you will also lose this person forever. Yes, they have behaved badly, but if you yourself know how to act, if you give them the chance to realize and rectify their mistake, with time they will perhaps become a true friend again.