Memories to be cultivated

Those of luminous moments

March 11th 2018
Try to get rid of this bad habit of holding onto the memory of all that has made you suffer. So many people carry such memories around with them, scrutinise them, and mull them over. It is dangerous to return to painful events in this way. Of course I do not advise you to try to forget painful events immediately, for if they have taken place, there is a reason. We must begin by studying them well in order to draw useful conclusions for the future, but then we must no longer think about them. Why aggravate and prolong the ills you have suffered? Instead, try to remember the most luminous moments of your life – reflect on how, and thanks to whom, they came about. Bring them often to mind, exactly as you often play the music you love, and you will re-live the same sensations of purity, freedom and light.