Material facilities

Take advantage of them in order to devote more time to spiritual work

May 19th 2018
Humans must not stop making efforts, even if science and technology continue to provide them with devices that make life easier. If they have more means to act upon exterior matter, so much the better! However, they should then devote a little more of their free time to work on their inner matter, to control and spiritualize it so as to perfect themselves and become a beneficial presence for the whole world. After each effort, after each exercise, life takes on another colour, another flavour. So many people have all they wish for in life yet are so blasé that they do not feel anything anymore. Yes, because internally they have let themselves go, becoming lazy and idle, with no intensity to their life. If they were enlightened, they would continue to benefit from all the material possibilities, while placing ever greater emphasis on their inner work, for it is this work that gives things their savour.