Four seasons, the

The corresponding four ages of life

December 22nd 2018
Spring, summer, autumn and winter – it could be said that the four seasons are found in our life. Spring with its flowers passes very quickly. Summer is effervescent and inflamed with passion. In autumn, everything calms down. This is the best period, when humans, at last master of themselves, are capable of bearing fruit. As for winter, the season of cold and laying bare, it obviously does not appear to be so pleasant, but everything depends on the way in which people have lived the previous seasons. In fact, it is interesting to note how the four seasons correspond to the different periods of a human life. Spring is the manifestation of childhood, life and growth; summer is adolescence and the discovery of love; autumn is when maturity or wisdom appear. And as for winter, it is old age which brings truth, the sad truth unfortunately for many, because on leaving the earth, they can no longer delude themselves. So, there you are: life, love, wisdom, and truth.