
Is first and foremost found in life

September 3rd 2019
Would you like to be more alive? Would you like your vibrations and emanations to intensify? Among the dozens of methods I can give you, retain at least one of them. Become aware of all the life present around you, everywhere in nature, but also in human beings. When greeting the people you meet, try to sense the spark of divine life in them, thank them for everything they give you or do for you, sometimes even without your knowing it. Being alive is about always being filled with wonder, always seeing people and things around us and above us as if it were for the first time. Life is the strongest link connecting us to God, and even if it is possible to find religion in churches, it is above all present in nature. This is why we must maintain a conscious connection with all its most powerful and beautiful manifestations. We continue this study of life over millions of years, for it is an endless science, and this is what makes it so captivating. Once we have begun, we sense we will never be able to stop.