
Exercise it over yourself rather than over others

December 16th 2011
It comes naturally to humans to impose on others and give orders. But when a desire arises within them and holds them like the coils of a snake, they surrender to it and give in without any resistance. Look at yourself, and you will see that things really do happen that way, even with you. Humans are able to give orders to others to put things right, but not to themselves. Yet the work of disciples consists precisely in becoming aware of their inner being, in order to restore order within and regain the regal nature they lost to their lower desires and passions. All the work they do in other spheres of life pales in comparison with the importance of one task. This task is to harmonize with the cosmos and establish this harmony in their own kingdom, by asserting themselves over their people, that is to say, their cells. They tell them, ‘You will do my will and nothing else!’ and their cells have to submit because they impose on them, not by virtue of their personal authority, but because they are obeying the divine laws. This is how they regain their regal nature.