
The birth of the christ within

December 25th 2011
The birth of Jesus was a historical event of major importance. But if all that was needed was for Jesus to be born two thousand years ago, why has the kingdom of God not yet come on earth? Wars, misfortunes, illness – all that should have disappeared… True disciples know that the Christ is born into the world on Christmas eve in the form of light, warmth and life, and they prepare the right conditions for the divine Child to also be born within themselves. Yes, we can read the story of the birth of Jesus and sing ‘Il est né le divin Enfant’ however many times we like, but unless the Christ is born in us there will be no point. It is now up to each person to have the desire to bring about Christ’s birth within their soul and to become like him, so that the earth may become inhabited by Christs! This is what Jesus asked of us when he said, ‘The one who believes in me will also do the works that I do and, in fact, will do greater works than these.’ Well, where are the works that are greater than those of Jesus? Show me… For some the Christ has already been born, and for some he will soon be born. It all rests on preparing the conditions.