Philosophers’ stone, the
More of a psychic process than a physical one
October 26th 2021
Alchemists of old tried to find the philosophers’ stone in order to turn base metals into gold. True, but an alchemist needs to be something more than a good chemist. A chemist needs to know only how to handle the right material elements to carry out a successful experiment, but alchemists must go much further than that – they will succeed only if they introduce spiritual elements into their work. Some alchemists who knew exactly the formula to use to produce the philosophers’ stone and prepared all the necessary elements with the utmost care, still never achieved anything.
The process by which the philosophers’ stone is made is more psychic and spiritual than physical, and those who wish to obtain it must study the virtues and achieve them within themselves. On this condition alone will matter obey them, and will they become true alchemists.