Heaven and earth
Meeting certain conditions to be admitted to their wedding
December 26th 2021
The marriage of spirit and matter, of heaven and earth, is celebrated each and every day. So, be sure you are invited to take part in the festivities given by the Lord, the divine Mother and all the angelic hierarchies.
Do you imagine that your wish to participate in these festivities is enough to gain admission? Well, no, because in order to be admitted, you must fulfil certain conditions. And if you simply show up without being prepared, you will suffer exactly the same fate as the man mentioned in one of Jesus’ parables – he had presented himself at the feast without having clothed himself in ceremonial dress and he was not received. This dress symbolizes the qualities that must be developed for admission to the table of the feast. Perhaps you will not be invited to sit at the right-hand of the master of the house, but this does not matter. Even if you are at the other end of the table, it is worth having a small place so that you can attend the feast.