
Are never wasted, they remain an asset for the future

December 3rd 2022
None of your efforts are ever wasted; even if you have not yet succeeded, your work remains an asset for the future. One day, all the efforts you have made will call to heaven to let them bear fruit and heaven will allow them to do so, for such is the law. Those who do not understand these matters will say ‘That person hasn’t done a thing and has received everything, while I have always worked hard and have nothing, I live in poverty’ and they are consumed by envy. The truth is that those who seem to be especially privileged have worked hard in the past. A genius such as Mozart, for instance, showed exceptional gifts at a very young age because he had already studied music in previous incarnations. There can be no substantial results if one has not already studied and worked. It is all a question of time and effort. When the forces of nature see that your efforts are sincere and persevering, they come to your assistance, for they are faithful and true.