
Inhabited by very luminous and powerful entities

August 15th 2023

Mountain peaks are inhabited by very luminous and powerful entities that are attracted to their exceptional atmosphere of purity. The reason why we should go up into the mountains is to get in touch with these entities. But this requires a great deal of knowledge, and that knowledge is open only to those who have committed themselves heart and soul to the path of light.* Very few people know how to take advantage of the favourable conditions offered by mountains for their spiritual evolution. They go to the mountains to have fun and make a lot of noise. They have no respect for the entities that inhabit these regions. This is why mountains, which are both sensitive and intelligent, remain closed to them. There may even come a time when these entities will abandon their mountain dwellings because they are so disturbed by the humans who sully everything. You at least must try to have an attitude that shows them how much you appreciate their presence and the work they do.

* Related reading: