Going without

Depriving oneself a little in order to reap an abundant harvest

September 12th 2023

An Initiate says, ‘I will deprive myself of these few grains of wheat so that I can then harvest thousands’. And instead of eating these grains, he sows them and ends up harvesting a whole field. Whereas an ordinary person says, ‘Why should I go without? I will eat all these grains.’ Yes, but after a while they have nothing left. We have to learn to ration ourselves and go without a few grains in order to sow them and reap an abundant harvest in the future. We must eat, but just enough; the rest should be sown. Obviously, these grains of wheat are symbolic. We should be learning to sow the seeds of our thoughts and feelings, which can work for the good of all on condition that we do not eat them, in other words that we do not use them for our own selfish pursuits. Those who know how to ration themselves will reap such an abundant harvest that they will be able to feed the whole world.*

* Related reading: