
Brings down our protective shell

June 11th 2012
On the face of it, children have no power; they are weak. Well, it is precisely for that reason that they succeed where those with power fail. They succeed because they are spontaneous, alive and natural, and because they awaken love. Imagine a group of people coming to petition a minister: they present their arguments, they give explanations, they persist… But all in vain; nothing works. And then the minister’s small child comes and gives his father a hug, smiles at him and strokes him and gets everything he demands. Children bring down our protective shell, our barriers, and open our heart. Look how the sun acts, too. It shines, it sends out its warmth, and it achieves what storm, hail and wind, for all their power, have failed to achieve: people begin removing their clothes. The conclusion we can draw from these examples is that if we are cold, haughty, violent and domineering, the souls around us surround themselves with a protective shell. We knock, and no one answers. But if we warm them instead with rays of love, they let go of their shell and open up to us. Flowers bloom in the warmth, not in the cold.