Sexual force
Only a divine ideal can control it
August 10th 2012
Do not try to fight the sexual force, for not only will you not succeed in overcoming it, but it will get the better of you. The only way to control it is to find yourself a very powerful ally, an associate, towards whom you direct this force and to whom you dedicate it. Using alchemical knowledge, your ally will succeed in turning it into light, beauty and health.
And who is this ally? A high ideal, a sublime idea you live with, cherishing and nurturing it. This idea alone is able to transform such an energy – you cannot. Yes, if you focus on your ideal when you feel a sexual impulse, the energy rises to your brain to feed it. A few minutes later, you win the battle, and not only are you free but you feel strengthened and inspired. Develop the habit of focusing all your energies on a divine ideal, and instead of getting the better of you they will serve you and help you realize your ideal.