
Making them receptacles for the divine spirit

December 24th 2012
Wherever you live, whether it is in a small room or a large house, the walls, furniture and objects are permeated with your emanations. This is the magical aspect of presence: you leave etheric particles on everything around you, particularly on the objects you touch, and these particles conduct positive or harmful influences. If you are forever sending out negative thoughts, words and feelings, these objects become like magnets, attracting everything in the universe that is bad. Of course, the opposite is also true: if your emanations are imbued with wisdom and love, you deposit good fluids on the objects around you, and they become conductors for light, joy and health. From now on, make a habit of doing this exercise: learn to handle the objects in every room of your house with care and love, asking the divine Spirit to extend its blessing to them. Say, ‘Spirit of light, purity and truth, I dedicate these objects to you, so that they may become a receptacle for you, an instrument for your power.’ Spirit will come to dwell in your home.