Bodies, spiritual
In which we live on earth and, particularly, in the world beyond
March 25th 2011
Each time human beings come to incarnate on earth, it is only for a very short time. They must learn and work there for a few years, and then they leave. So you can only have a correct and complete view of life if you learn to include what we call death. Your life is not limited solely to the period of time you come to spend on earth. Your life is very long, infinite, a succession of journeys back and forth between earth and the beyond.
But even while you live on the physical plane, you live not only in your physical body but also in your psychic bodies – the causal, buddhic and atmic bodies. These bodies you must learn to nourish; otherwise you will lack something very precious even in this life. Furthermore, when you leave for the other world, they are the bodies you will have to live in. So, how will you feel if you failed to nourish them?