
What contemplating them brings us

May 26th 2013
There are so many things you can understand when you meditate on a rose! Contemplate it, connect to its spirit, speak to it as you would to a living being. Ask it to make your soul like its own, to imbue it with its quintessences, so that it too may become a flower in God’s garden and delight the heavenly entities that like to visit the earth. For the heavenly entities are delighted when they find flowers – pure souls filled with light – on their travels. And they take care of them and protect them, to make them even more beautiful. What a mystery the rose is still! Its colour is that of spiritual love; its shape expresses perfect harmony; its fragrance expresses purity. But how many people who grow rose bushes in their garden or decorate their home with bouquets fully realize what roses represent? Why do they not seek, through them, the path of true love – a love that does not confine, a love that frees?