Knowledge, age-old

That the words of sages awaken in us

July 9th 2013
At times, the words of a sage find such an echo in you that you think, ‘But I know all those things… I knew them before… I’d already learned them somewhere… How could I have forgotten?’ You have forgotten because since then you have strayed onto paths whose dust eventually covered those truths over. But they are still there, buried, asleep in you, and someone has to come to reawaken them. He knocks a few times at your door, he sends out a few rays of light, and then age-old memories begin to surface. For some, this happens very quickly; for others, it will take a great deal longer. We listen to what sages tell us in order to recall what we already know. Yes, sages speak to us only of things we already know, but which are still lying dormant in our subconscious. This knowledge was inscribed in us by the Creator from the beginning, and their words simply awaken an echo.