
Becoming aware of its worth

August 5th 2013
Even if people are convinced that life is the most precious thing they possess, they have still not properly understood that the most essential thing in life is life itself. They do not think of all the creatures, all the powers in the universe that are there purely so that they can be alive, or of all they receive from the earth, the water, the air, the sun and the stars. So many people tend to think that life has only been given to them to satisfy their desires. They are alive and that is enough for them; they do not ask themselves to what or whom they owe the fact that they can breathe, eat, love, think… And because they are not aware of what the gift of life represents, they waste it. Awareness comes a little later, when old age approaches, or if they are disabled or ill. Then, they do everything they can to hold onto the life they are losing. Shouldn’t they have begun thinking about it a little earlier?