Land of the living

The sun

August 18th 2013
We are told in one of the Psalms: ‘I walk before the Lord in the land of the living’. The land of the living is the sun. Yes, the sun, but an aspect of the sun we do not yet know. Everything we see on earth and in the sky represents only a minute part of reality – the trappings, the dross. The reality is the immensity of the invisible world. You will say, ‘What do you mean? The universe is already so vast: there’s the solar system and beyond that all those galaxies and nebulae…’ Yes, but that is nothing compared with all that we don’t see. The sun is ‘the land of the living’, and one day we will be living there. But there is nothing to stop us projecting ourselves there right now. All enlightened consciousnesses already live on the sun. Once we start to live in the light, we live on the sun: our feet walk on earth, but our head visits the sun. And because we wish to dwell forever in the land of the living, we try every morning to draw closer to it. By going to contemplate the rising sun, we begin to move toward it.