
A harmful habit that makes us unattractive to others

February 18th 2024

Nobody has ever sufficiently emphasized the importance of being happy and contented. Most people do not realize how destructive a habit it is always to be dissatisfied with everything and everyone. What is even more serious is the growing tendency to consider contentment to be a sign of naivety and stupidity, whereas those who are constantly critical and discontented are considered intelligent.
A prolonged attitude of dissatisfaction, whether conscious or unconscious, is always corrosive. Dissatisfaction is acceptable only if it is directed at oneself. But no, people are dissatisfied with the Lord (He has not done things right), with life or with all humankind. Well, this harmful attitude will give you a lot of bad internal advice. So be on your guard: as we cannot prevent feelings from showing themselves, your face and gaze will become gradually sombre, your gestures brusque and your voice harsh. All this will make you very unattractive to others, for although people tend to think that the discontented are more intelligent, they find them very difficult to tolerate and keep well away from them.*
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