Knowledge of people’s true nature

So as not to have any illusions

May 4th 2024
Each one of us comes to earth with our particular tastes and tendencies and, however hard we try, there is nothing we can do to change them. This is why it is so important to recognize the true nature of the people you associate with, so that you do not expect them to manifest something that is not in them. They may make an effort in order to please you, but it will not last, for we cannot ask people to go against their true nature.
Try telling a cat that it must not eat mice: it will say ‘meow’ in agreement – but as soon as it hears a faint scratching sound, even if you are still preaching to it, it will be off in a flash to catch that mouse without the slightest remorse. The mouse interests it far more than your sermon. This is its nature. So, do not have too many illusions about the effect your words will have next time you tell a cat not to eat mice – symbolically speaking.*
* Related reading: