Traces of the initiates on earth

Their spirit is in the sun

June 3rd 2024
The Initiates have left traces of their presence in the etheric matter of the places where they once lived. Certain highly evolved clairvoyants are able to perceive these traces and interpret them. But even such traces are no more than husks of the spirit that once breathed in this place. There is really no guarantee that one will find the spirit by visiting the place where it once breathed.*
‘Then how can we communicate with the spirits of the great Initiates of India, Egypt, Chaldea, Israel or Greece?’ you will ask. In reality, they are not dead; they have gone back to their homeland, the sun. Yes, all those luminous spirits who once came to enlighten the world have returned to live in the sun from where they came, and they continue to help us from up above. It is through the sun’s rays that they communicate with us, smile on us, caress, purify and vivify us. These rays are, as it were, their arms and their hands but their spirit remains on high. If you learn to follow the traces of the sun’s rays you will eventually reach their spirit.
* Related reading: