
Artists must create works that inspire the human soul

June 21st 2024
A human being’s greatest wealth is the faculty of creation. It is a faculty that concerns every aspect of life, particularly art. But artists need to ask themselves about the value of what they create, what it can do for others, what it will lead to – they must think about this too.
They tell you that they feel the need to get something out of their system, to express themselves. Well, everybody needs to get something out of their system in one way or another, but is it really necessary to put it all on display? Unfortunately, in the field of art, literature or philosophy, that is what a great many creators do: they present their excrement to the public. You will say that I am exaggerating. No, it is no exaggeration! Artists need to return to the conception of art that was once taught in initiatic schools and produce only works of art that inspire the human soul and help it to find the way back to its celestial homeland.*
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