Spiritual master

He looks after his disciples night and day

July 8th 2024
When a teacher has finished with his classes, he dismisses his students and returns to his personal occupations, thoughts, feelings and problems. He has delivered his lesson and that is the end of it. A spiritual master, on the other hand, never stops looking after his disciples: day and night, when he eats, when he works and when he sleeps he is caring for their souls and spirits. In this way, he constantly helps them every single day.
You may ask yourself how this is possible. Well, it is simply that an Initiate is free. And when we are free, when we have resolved all our personal problems, then we can help our friends, disciples and students. Whereas, if we are always too caught up and embroiled in our own affairs (as most people are), what can we do for other people? This is yet another difference between a true spiritual master and an ordinary instructor.*
* Related reading: