Give thanks for what you have and for what you do not have

July 25th 2024
Nothing can hold out against gratitude. So, every day, keep thanking heaven, until you feel that everything that happens to you is for your good. Begin now by saying, ‘Thank you Lord, thank you Lord.’ Give thanks for what you have, for what you do not have, for all that gives you happiness, and for all that makes you suffer. In this way, you keep the flame of life alight within you. This is a law that you must know.
You will say, ‘But how can we give thanks when we are unhappy, ill or destitute? It just isn’t possible.’ Yes, it is and that is the greatest secret of all: you must find a reason to be grateful even when you are unhappy. You have no money and are ill? Give thanks and rejoice to see other people rich, healthy and prosperous. Do this and you will see – before long, certain doors will open and blessings will begin to shower down upon you.*
* Related reading: