
Respective place of the masculine and the feminine

August 31st 2024
What is the respective place of men and women? The day will come when men and women will have to sort out this problem, for it keeps pitting them against one another. For centuries, even millennia, men have imposed their dominance on women, and now we are beginning to see a reversal of the situation: women are standing up for themselves. They no longer accept being submissive to men; they want equal rights and are even prepared to play the masculine role, usurping men’s position.
This is normal; it is the law of compensation. Men have gone too far. Instead of being paragons of honesty, goodness and righteousness in order to earn women’s admiration and esteem, men have abused their authority and physical superiority over women. They have given themselves all the rights, and imposed only obligations on women. How could men ever think that this situation could last?*
* Related reading: