True life

Seeking to be the king of ourselves

October 9th 2024
Every human being is accompanied by invisible entities.* If these entities are benevolent, they clear difficulties from our path; but if they are malevolent, they try to foil every attempt to do something useful or constructive and do their best to steer us into a blind alley. When a king goes somewhere, he is preceded by servants who prepare the way; when he arrives, everything is ready, simply because he is the king. Whereas who thinks about preparing the way for a beggar?
The same rules apply in our inner life: the path of those who are kings or queens is smooth and free of obstacles, and lined with crowds of people ready to welcome them. Whereas, those who are beggars – who are inwardly poor in virtues – will not be welcomed anywhere. The secret of true life lies in achieving only one thing: dominion over oneself, seeking to be a monarch in perfect control of their thoughts, feelings and actions. Those who are truly masters of their own kingdom are always preceded by invisible entities who prepare the best conditions for them.
* Related reading: