
We will be the victims of the resulting disorder

November 6th 2024
Allow only one anarchic idea to enter your mind and little by little this idea will spread disorder through your entire being, right down to the soles of your feet. This is how we end up becoming veritable battlefields. Initiates fear, above all else, to disturb the cosmic order established by the Creator, because they know that one day they would themselves be a victim of the resulting disorder. It is extraordinary that, although this makes Initiates tremble, ordinary people remain calm, confident, even daring. Of course, they can be audacious because they are so ignorant of the dangers. Many people, attempting to prove their independence, behave like anarchists! They do not know that real strength is compliance with divine laws.
All our happiness, all our future success is based on the respect of the sublime order established by God, and submitted to by angels, archangels and all heavenly entities – but not by human beings! This respect for the divine hierarchy is the fundamental principle of an Initiatic Teaching.