
Do not make them lightly

December 17th 2024
Watch what you say very carefully: do not make grand statements, do not commit yourself lightly, because you will provoke the invisible world and you will then have great trouble in keeping your commitments. In fact, you may not even succeed.
A man swears he will never get married. Soon afterwards he meets a woman; she is the least able to make him happy, but he is crazy about her and he marries her. Why? Because there are entities in the invisible world who, seeing this man so sure of himself, want to put him to the test. They tempt him to see what he is capable of, and very soon he succumbs. That is how people often do exactly the opposite of what they so adamantly professed or promised. In some countries, it is the custom for a person to touch wood after saying something. This may seem superstitious, but this gesture says a great deal. It shows that, whilst they are talking, people are conscious of provoking invisible entities, and they touch wood to ward off misfortune.*
* Related reading: