The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil (eBook)

Two streams from the same Source

Ref: TCP210AN

ISBN: 9782818402542

Language: Anglais

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We are continually subject to the duality of good and evil, for more often than not nothing is quite right or quite wrong, and even the best things can come with downsides. To this question, this book does not only provide clear and precise explanations but above all practical methods to strengthen oneself spiritually, learn to manage this duality and triumph over the trials of life.

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1 - The Serpent of Genesis
2 - What Good is Evil?
3 - Beyond Good and Evil
4 - Until the Harvest
5 - The Philosophy of Unity
6 - Into the Wilderness to Be Tempted
7 - The Undesirables
8 - Suicide is not the Answer
9 - The Real Weapons
10 - The Science of the Initiates, or the Inner Lamps

'The solution of the question of evil lies in knowing the methods of how to work with it and to use its power. What-ever its origin, evil is an inner and outer reality which con-fronts us daily and which we have to learn to deal with. To attack it head-on is not only useless but dangerous: the odds are too heavily against us. So we have to learn the methods to use in order to gain the upper hand and transform evil into good.'


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Langue Anglais

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