To be born a second time is not only a matter of symbolism: it is the fruit of an interior work which aims to open and free all our subtle channels. This form of alchemy can be achieved by acting with two elements: water (love) and fire (wisdom). By uniting love and wisdom we give birth to truth... Reference Add to my wishlist The Second Birth - Love, Wisdom, Truth Price €22.27
True alchemy consists in working with the two masculine and feminine principles that act in all creation and in the human being himself: the will (the Sun) and the imagination (the Moon). With these two virtues we manage to transmute our own matter and become radiant and pure. Then we can hope... Add to my wishlist Spiritual Alchemy Price €22.27
Good and evil: the two hands of God. The symbols of good and evil are represented in many traditions by the head and tail of the serpent and are therefore an integral part of us. How to manage them? By learning to root our "fallen" consciousness in a higher order consciousness called our... Add to my wishlist The two trees of Paradise Price €22.27
Thanks to his experience of symbols, his knowledge of Alchemy, Astrology, Magic and Kabbalah, Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov shows us how the stories, parables or images of the biblical texts only show us the laws of the spiritual world. Add to my wishlist Alchemy, Astrology, Magic, Kabbalah - Aspects of esoteric... Price €22.27
Despite the currents of innovative ideas that have upset our vision of the world, the current dominant thought does not bring us the essential which is the science of life. Omraam Mikahël Aïvanhov manages to present the human being in his total structure and his living relations with the... Add to my wishlist Life Force Price €22.27
The word "harmony" can be compared to a tuning fork which tunes our different instruments which are the physical body, the will, the heart, the intellect, the soul and the spirit. By resonating this tuning fork we put your whole being in harmony with unlimited life, cosmic life and this harmony... Add to my wishlist Harmony Price €22.27
Yesod, the ninth sephira on the Tree of Life of which Kabbalah speaks, is the symbol of pure life. By taking purity as the basis of his spiritual teaching (Iésod, in Hebrew, means “base”), Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov rediscovers the meaning of ancient spiritual practices. Long experienced by him,... Add to my wishlist The Mysteries of Yesod - Foundations of Spiritual Life Price €22.27
Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov has often insisted on the importance of a new yoga which he named “Surya-yoga” , the yoga of the sun. This yoga does not reject any of the other yogas because it brings them all together. Scientists have a field of extraordinary possibilities open to them. artists will... Reference Add to my wishlist The Splendour of Tiphareth - The Yoga of the Sun Price €22.27
We all have moments when we feel heavy or light, lost or luminous: is this schizophrenia? “No”, replies Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov : these situations correspond to the dual nature of the human being, namely his personality and his individuality. For they are complementary as are spirit and... Reference Add to my wishlist The Key to the Problems of Existence Price €22.27
We often hear and use words like “chance”, “bad luck”, “injustice”: all this inspires a feeling of chaos, of a blind nature. What is it really? There is a connection between all living creatures, as there is a connection between all the cells of the physical body. All our gestures, acts, words,... Add to my wishlist Cosmic Moral Law Price €22.27
It is to respond to the need for methods that is really felt in spiritual practice that a certain number of simple and effective exercises have been brought together in this volume that Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov indicated during his lectures. Reference Add to my wishlist A New Earth - Methods, exercises, formulas, prayers Price €22.27
Addressing a subject that is both delicate and of great importance for humanity, the author explains to us here how to differentiate love from sexuality knowing that one is never without the other. Sexuality is a purely egocentric tendency that pushes us to seek only our pleasure, sometimes or... Add to my wishlist Love and Sexuality (1) Price €22.27