Hygiene (physical and psychic)

Reducing waste

June 27th 2024
Every activity, whether physical, emotional, or intellectual, involves combustion, and combustion produces waste. Well, these wastes must be discarded, for if they accumulate in the body, they prevent it from functioning properly.
When you want to light a fire in a stove or a hearth, you begin by clearing out yesterday’s cinders and ashes, otherwise your fire will not draw well, and the stove will not work. The same applies to your physical body, but equally to your psychic body, to your thoughts and feelings. This is why you must have not only good physical hygiene, but you must also keep an eye on the quality of your thoughts and feelings, so that they produce the least possible amount of waste in your psychic bodies. In this way, you can feed your inner fire and be able to continue your work.*
* Related reading: